Going beyond “one shot” sales by implementing a carefully selected commercial network is one of the means to reinforce and secure your international business development.
To reach this objective, Optim introduces a tried and tested service focused on searching and selecting new commercial partners (direct customers, agents, distributors, importers) in South-East Asia.
Partner Search
- Definition of the mission’s specs based upon your criteria of selection by priority ordering
- Database building (company, address, tel., emails, …)
- Systematic contact of the potential partners via tel. then fax/email/mail
- Selection of the useful contacts by phone interviews, reception of brochures and/or samples
- Validation of information by a site/plant visit to the most promising
- Report gathering all the companies contacted, our comments on each of them, a selection of
companies matching your initial criteria, a possible program of visits and meetings during your next trip to Asia - Organization of your trip in Asia following your instructions
- Accompaniment during the meetings
- Follow-up service for one month subsequent to meetings
Contact Us
111, North Bridge Road – Peninsula Plaza – #21-01 – Singapore 179098
Email: asia@optimconsulting.net
203, Jalan Bukit Bintang – Menara Keck Seng – 33rd Floor – Suite 33-01 – 55100 Kuala Lumpur
Email: asia@optimconsulting.net
Jl. Kemang Selatan VIII, 66 – 12730 Jakarta
Email: asia@optimconsulting.net